I know, we'll call it the Love Boat and we're all adopted kids of GRANDMOTHER. Try that shoe on for size, grannybiscuits Mouthy:) Hope your doing well. It's beautiful out today so now we're off for a nice walk through the bush with the dog. You might have had your family ripped apart from you, but look at the new family you've gained and soooo many children that want to be adopted. xoxoxoxoxoxo
label licker
JoinedPosts by label licker
If This Site Was A Religion
by label licker inif this site were a religion, what would you name it and who would you elect as elders, ms's, co's, ect,,,,.
i'll start: i would call it the educated loveable and untouchables.
would love to be the elder that says no dissassociation allowed or disfellowshipping!
If This Site Was A Religion
by label licker inif this site were a religion, what would you name it and who would you elect as elders, ms's, co's, ect,,,,.
i'll start: i would call it the educated loveable and untouchables.
would love to be the elder that says no dissassociation allowed or disfellowshipping!
label licker
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess he was too loveable and NOT untouchable(meaning too touchable) The reason I picked loveable was because not too long ago when that watchtower came out on loving the unloveable, I thought to myself why would there be any unloveable in the hall if everyone is soooo looked after? We would all feel at home and feel we have a place in the congregation. Reminds me back in September, Bro Herd stated at morning worship that people are leaveing the troof not because they are spiritually weak but because they don't see any love. Right from the horses mouth! BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH
If This Site Was A Religion
by label licker inif this site were a religion, what would you name it and who would you elect as elders, ms's, co's, ect,,,,.
i'll start: i would call it the educated loveable and untouchables.
would love to be the elder that says no dissassociation allowed or disfellowshipping!
label licker
If this site were a religion, what would you name it and who would you elect as Elders, Ms's, Co's, ect,,,,
I'll start: I would call it The Educated Loveable and Untouchables. Would love to be the elder that says NO DISSASSOCIATION ALLOWED OR DISFELLOWSHIPPING! Freewillies only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Witness Patients Often Do Better" - Erm......
by snare&racket intook a peek at the new jw.org and soon got angry :(.
"witness patients often do better!".
how was i that dumb, are people that dumb?
label licker
Morning everyone,
I can understand your pain for my brother, Timothy, had died at eleven iin the 70's. He had insephelitus of the brain and near the end they had to tube feed him. The tube went too far and punctured a hole into the stomach. The hospital required he get a transfusion and the parents said no. He died shortly after. Too bad they hadn't had that new form that came out in December 2012 for minors needing blood. A sisters kid needed blood and the liason committee told her go ahead and let them have the child if it means the courts not interferring. If I ever see that brother I will ask him how does his conscience make him feel especially when his belief goes against whole blood transfusions. Doesn't he feel blood guilty?
Funny how it all boils down to courtfees$$$$ and a childs life. You see in the eyes of the watchtower who's worth more$$$$$$$$$$$
label licker
1, Seeing no love and being treated like shit. Treated good when you do something like pioneer and work at the bethel that will make your elders look good. Favortisim and hypocracy and too much label licking.
2. This site. False watchtower quotes, lies, doctrinal changes, follow the fds and not Jesus. Too much guilt and fear. NO MEDIATOR, Didn't make sense and it's all about WT and the fds.
3. We're not alone and that it's not us. Others are experienceing the same things.
5. Fake friends. Only friends when they needed shower and wedding gifts, hall maintenance, clean hall, RBC, Bethel ect you get my drift.
6. Couldn't jump through all their hoops and didn't want to
7. It's all whackadoodle noodleheads just fresh out of the boogyhatch that come into this nonsense. That should tell ya something right there and then their given labels and determine your fate weather you get df'd and lose your family
8.Conventions were a killer for sure. Near the end, lunchtime was all we could stomach.
Did I miss something or isn't that enough?
14 months after printing the "Steve and Selma" article, guess what the Society's latest Awake is about...
by cedars inyou guessed it.... .
label licker
Thanks clarity. The end result to this wicked situation was all us kids had to leave home by sixteen, a mother taking her life with an overdose and handicap sister put in a home the next day. The abuser(the old man) died alone. But hey just pray more and get out in service. You can help others right? Yeah like the watchtower, right?
Jehovah witness's who still live at home
by d indid you know of any jw's that still live at home?
i knew a guy who was about in his 30's back in 2005 who still lived at home.. do you know of any?.
label licker
Yup! Over two thirds of our hall are still living with their parents. Then there's a few where the parents chipped in on houses for their delinquents. Then you have the delinquent kids living with their parents who are spongeing off their parents(three generations living under one roof). Then most of the pioneers have their parents paying for their clothes, cars and paying their rent and their reward is at lunchtime they get to go home to their parents and have a nice hot meal. This gives them the strength to get up on the platform and tell everyone they can pioneer too, that it's not hard. I think the worse is over half the whimps in the hall don't work or they work part time and don't pioneer. What is wrong with their wives???? The ones that do try to pioneer then find how hard it is and wait untill they get their labels and the wives get pregnant and the husbands go back to college to get something under their belts. Pretty sad and pathetic. We never saw these things until we came into this bazarre religion. God help you if your retired for they will hound you to pioneer and if you don't they take away your little gold star label and washroom duties. Ummmm, I take back washroom duties, your still good enough for that BUT ONLY THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New Member...
by sosoconfused inhello everyone, just wanted to say hi and introduce myself.. i am a mid 30's just stepped aside elder, who just couldn't handle it anymore.. i am a 3rd generation born-in and former pioneer and bethelite.
it has been a log somewhat confusing ride for me, but i am finally settling in to realizing that i need to really look at what me and my family are doing.. .
its funny though what really got me here... it wasn't the 40 year old men telling me they were looking at boobies on the computer and hoping not to get in trouble, it wasn't the watching young people bail left and right, it wasn't the ever changing new light etc... but a simple thought.. .
label licker
Welcomed sosoconfused
I also was a lurker and then saw the light. Now, we thought we would start from scratch and go online to listen to some hebrew scholars which was a real eye opener. (thanks to other ex jw's who have a spirtual hunger) Ones like Nehemiah Gordon who has absolutely no use for the JW's. He's on Truth2you and Torah Pearls. Then from there we listen to 119 ministries and Jim Staley ect,, All these guys are against churches and organisations who are only there for the money. There is no true religion out there. How could there be? The WHOLE world is lying in the power of the wicked one. But, never never have we been made to feel like we are not wanted, not doing enough especially we had sold a huge plant to simplify, pioneered, worked at the bethel, got cut off of our inheritance, lost family and friends, got slandered and told to suck it up, ect,,, At the end of it all we realised we were being taught through their doctrines and not the bible.
Society loves plucking a scripture here and there and making their stories read it's about them but when you read those scriptures in their context that's not the meaning at all. But nooooooooooo didn't you know, the scriptures were all written about and for the society only. Again, there's no debth or meaning to them unless society's name is attatched to them.( according to them) If you want real meaning of the scriptures then you listen to these guys break them down in their hebrew and greek meanings. You have nothing to lose and you come out each time feeling sooo good, convinced and relieved you've done the right thing. That's what we've done for ourselves and it seems to be working for us but this may not be for everyone.
When you have a new outlook on something you were trained to believe and then realise it was a big fat lie and realise there's something way better, then, you begin to have a way better outlook on life and your surroundings. AND there's others out there that are travelling down the same road as you. And guess what? There are tons of wonderful people in this world, it's up to you to decide who you'll pick for friends. It never dawned on me how society even takes our freewill to choose what we will decide for ourselves includeing what we will choose for our spirituality, friends, education, ect,,, They take the initiative in every aspect of our lives includeing our consciense! They have stripped us bare and naked.
Starting today, everyone take back what rightfully belongs to you starting with your mind and how you think. God gave us a brain to use not to abuse. For years we pioneered and put the boat away, started up a little hobby/business, making maplesyrup, making new friends and even the old friends have come back into the picture. We have interesting things to talk about instead of look at how pretty our shoes hair and nails are. God that use to drive me up the wall. No time for recreation and NO MORE FEAR OR GUILT when we did want to do something. No more wonder about hours. What was up with that? We still talk to people about the bible but when the oppertunity allows us. Not societies way.AND yes the boat is coming out this spring. We will never hand our freedom over to anyone ever again. That's a promise.
Wish you all the best
14 months after printing the "Steve and Selma" article, guess what the Society's latest Awake is about...
by cedars inyou guessed it.... .
label licker
Yes, this would truly break my heart if my mother was alive. Six kids (two severly handicapped which one died at eleven), a discusting father who at one time was an elder suppposedly directed by holy spirit would come home every night and get drunk, beat the wife and kids and pretend to be a good man and have the nerve to preach. Now they are both dead thirty years later, you would still hear " can't believe your dad was like that". I wonder what my brother thinks after leaveing his wife and kids and then coming back after twenty years into the marriage just to leave the kids with the wifes parents to raise and the wife and him get a house and comes back into the religion and start a new life, just the TWO of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See what one abusive man can do to all his kids and they carry it on to the next generation. So glad I ran away at fifteen. Back then you didn't leave your abusive mate. It was unheard of.
Isn't this religion the same? They abuse their followers letting them think they are not good enough, they have to do more and they are nothing without them while they take take take from the lowly ones?????????????????? Who made them that way? The ones who keep feeding into their crap. Why? Because they have a low selfworthless opionion of themselves to begin with. Such a wicked cycle. It has to be broken.
Revelation 14:3 Who sings the new song???????
by label licker inin society's revelation book chapter 29 verse 10 on page 201 states the 24 elders are 144,000 and all are singing the same song, how can that be?
in their bible the only ones that can master that song is the 144,000. not the four living creatures nor the elders.
this 144,000 group is standing before the 24 elders.
label licker
Thank you bobcat for your awesome words of wisdom. Yup! We have to make this our new, ummmm, I don't want to say religion, but spiritual gathering. You realise from time to time when I'm reading the botchtower they'll change their views down the road after I see it here first? You can see a pushing and a shoving going on and the sad part is the followers can't see the behind scenes. Watch and see down the road if the society doesn't bring new light on this scripture. Hey Mouthy, hubby has just shown me what my post reply means. I only saw the number one left and thought that was it but I have eight. With great insightful conversations here I will never be fed up of any of you. I just wish I could of had a congregation filled with all of you instead. Oh wow, I just got an idea. Go to friends